Help support vulnerable young people in Berwick during the Big Give week (15-22 May 2023)

Double your donation to Rise in the Big Give’s Healthy Minds for Healthy Lives campaign in Berwick-Upon-Tweed. 

Rise is a North East based charity, funded by Sport England, who aim to create a higher quality of life for communities that need it the most in Northumberland and Tyne & Wear, using the power of physical activity. 

From Monday 15 May to Monday 22 May, Rise is taking part in the Healthy Minds for Healthy Lives campaign to raise £2,500 in just one week!  

Donations to the campaign will allow Rise to support vulnerable young people in Berwick with their mental health through delivering a programme of fun and positive physical activities to build confidence, connections and improve mental health. There are many complex factors that have resulted in significant mental health issues for young people in Berwick, including poverty, substance abuse and isolation, however one key issue for young people was the lack of local, age-appropriate opportunities.  

Donations will be generously matched by the Big Give during the campaign, with every £1 donation being doubled – for example, a £5 donation would be matched by the Big Give, making the total donation £10, meaning your donation would have double the impact. 

Jaki Duffy, Key Worker at Rise said: “This year we’re looking to raise a total of £2,500. We have identified a cohort of young people in Berwick who face mental health issues, struggle with confidence and have low aspirations. 

In partnership with Northumbria Police PC Rebecca Perry, Rise is aiming to provide a programme of local, free, weekly activities that have been identified by and for young people. This preventative step will allow young people to take ownership of the activity, build confidence, and improve mental health through building connections, a local support network, and increase their wellbeing through physical activity.” 

The Northumbria Violence Reduction Unit, who fund the Rise Key Worker role in Berwick, are delighted to be supporting the Big Give campaign.  

Kim McGuinness, Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner, said: “Anything that we can do to improve lives will ultimately have a positive impact on preventing crime from happening. That’s why I am proud to support Rise in their bid to offer a programme of free weekly activities, developed by young people, to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour in Berwick.”  

She added: “This programme will see young people accessing vital activities that bring so many positives such as improved confidence, fitness and mental health, and on top of that, they can develop key skills for their future, including leadership and interacting with others.” 

How can you get involved? 

● Visit and make a donation from Monday 15 May 2023 to Monday 22 May 2023. 

You can find our campaign page here –

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