Safety Spotlight: Business Communication & Code of Conduct

As part of January’s Hazard of the Month, Training, we’re highlighting two key areasBusiness Communication and Code of Conduct.

Business Communication

Types of verbal and non verbal communication as described in the text

Proper business communication is essential for success in the workplace – whether you’re communicating with members of your organisation or external customers or companies, being able to communicate effectively and convey your thoughts and ideas clearly is a vital skill to have.

Written and verbal communication types are equally used and important in a business setting, and require different approaches in order to present yourself positively through different forms of communication.

Some examples of written business communications include:

  • Email
  • Instant messages
  • Reports

Verbal business communications may include:

  • Meetings
  • Phone calls
  • Presentations
  • One-to-one discussions

When communicating with your colleagues, business communication training will help you to avoid misunderstandings, express your ideas constructively, and create a more productive work environment. With external parties, these skills may also help you to build professional relationships and improve respect for your business.

In both contexts, you may also need to persuade – whether you’re selling a new product or service to a client in a pitch presentation, or putting forward new ideas in a team meeting, the ability to persuade is a powerful communication tool to have access to.

Make sure you and your team have the skills to communicate effectively with our Business Communication Online Training Course. This course is suitable for workers of all levels within any business setting. Save 10% for this month only with the code ‘training10!’

Code of Conduct

Code of conduct written on a clipboard with two face icons

While a code of conduct is not a legal requirement, every business should have one – they ensure compliance with the law, demonstrate the company’s core values, set out behavioural expectations, and increase employee morale. The guidelines set out in a code of conduct act to serve the best interests of both the organisation and the individuals within it, and provides legal and ethical guidelines for the relationship between employees, service users and clients.

Key areas that a code of conduct should include are:

  • Company values
  • Dress code
  • Employee behaviour
  • Lateness/absenteeism
  • Break policies
  • Leave policies
  • Communication
  • Technology
  • Company property
  • Conflicts of interest
  • Authority
  • Confidentiality
  • Plagiarism
  • Discrimination
  • Harassment
  • Misconduct
  • Disciplinary actions
  • Corruption, fraud, or other illegal activities

While all businesses should have a code of conduct, how well this is understood by employees may vary – this is where code of conduct training comes in. Employees of all levels stand to benefit from an understanding of the ethical issues and laws that inform the code of conduct, how to act in specific situations, and how to recognise, prevent, and report misconduct.

Ensure your team has a solid understanding of acceptable workplace behaviours with our Code of Conduct Online Training Course. This course is suitable for any worker in any type of environment, and will users through common issues that they can implement in the workplaceSave 10% for this month only with the code ‘training10!’

Business Communication and Code of Conduct training courses are essential tools in ensuring effective communication and appropriate behaviour in the workplace. Make sure you don’t miss out on our 10% off deal on these courses, available until the end of January. Simply enter the code ‘training10’ at checkout to save!

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